Fair Value Solar

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1300 324 776

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is published by Solar Specialist Pty Ltd T/A Fair Value Solar (“we/us/our”). We are committed to protecting your privacy and respects and upholds your rights under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”). By using this website, you agree to and consent to the collection, use, holding and disclosure of personal information by Solar Specialist Pty Ltd T/A Fair Value Solar as set out in this policy.

Definitions used in this privacy policy:

Partners” means our associated entities (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001).
Platforms” means our website and other e-commerce technology including apps and mobile telephone platforms.
Suppliers” means the third-party merchants who engage us to advertise their goods/services.
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Internet Privacy Policy at any time. This Internet Privacy Policy is in addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to the web site. We do not make any representations about third party web sites that may be linked to the web site.

We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about visitors to our web site, in particular information that is capable of identifying an individual (“personal information”). This Internet Privacy Policy governs the manner in which your personal information, obtained through the web site, will be dealt with. This Internet Privacy Policy should be reviewed periodically so that you are updated on any changes. We welcome your comments and feedback.

1. Personal Information:
Personal information about visitors to our site is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. For example, we may need to collect such information to provide you with further services or to answer or forward any requests or enquiries. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information from being dealt with in any way that is inconsistent with applicable privacy laws in Australia.

2. When you visit our website, we may collect certain information for analysis purposes, including—
2.1. How many times you visit our website, what pages you view, and how long you stay on our website;
2.2. Details about what kind of browser and other software you are using to visit our website; and
2.3 Your IP address.

We may use cookies to:
3.1. Enable us to monitor traffic patterns, user actions (like how many people submit a form) and to identify your computer when you return to our website. Cookies do not identify you personally, but they do identify your computer. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of our website.
3.2. Engage in remarketing to market our sites across the web. Users with a remarketing cookie may be targeted across advertising networks to receive relevant advertisements. You may opt out of this ad serving using the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) opt-out page www.networkadvertising.org or you can opt out of just the Google Remarketing program by using the Google Ad Preference manager: www.networkadvertising.org. You can also use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on tool to opt out of the Google Remarketing program.

4. If you choose to provide us your details using the ‘Get a Quote’ form, we will collect the information that you provide using that form, including—
4.1. Your name, addresses (including personal, postal, and prospective installation addresses), phone number, and e-mail address;
4.2. Whether you are interested in a solar electricity system, solar battery system, a hot water system or any other service provided by us;
4.3 What time frame you have for purchasing such a system;
4.4 Whether or not you own the roof space where such a system would be installed;
4.5 details about the roof space where such a system would be installed (such as the size of the roof, which direction it is facing, what type of roof it is, the slope of the roof, how many storeys is the relevant building);
4.6 What requirements you have with respect to the system (including minimum power output and certain other features); and
4.7 Any other details that you choose to provide to us using the form;
4.8 And use it for the purpose of matching you with suitable suppliers, who will then contact you with the information that you provided to give you a quote. We will also provide your information to third party finance providers to contact you about your solar finance options. Please note that we do not operate or control the websites of any supplier, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to read and understand the privacy policies of any website that collects personal information.

5. We will only collect your personal information by lawful and fair means.

6. We may store the information that you provide us (as described at Clause 4) on servers hosted overseas when carrying out any of the uses described in this Policy.

7. If you choose to provide us with a review of our service or of the goods or services you receive from one of a supplier, we may store that review and post it to our website.

If you provide us with your name and e-mail address we will store your name and e-mail address and use it to send you occasional newsletter emails until such time as you inform us that you want to unsubscribe using the unsubscribe link at the end of every newsletter email.

We may monitor the content of any e-mail you send to us for troubleshooting or maintenance purposes, or if we suspect any form of e-mail abuse. We will preserve the content of any e-mail you send to us if we believe we have the legal requirement to do so.

Except as specified above, we will not, without your permission, sell or otherwise provide your personal information to a third party, or make any other use of your personal information, for any purpose that is not incidental to your use of our website. To avoid doubt, we will never use your personal information for any purpose not listed in this Policy, or that a reasonable person in your position would not expect.

In certain circumstances, we may aggregate the personal information that we store for the purposes of analysis, but, if we do, we will ensure that the information is made anonymous first.

If you request us not to use personal information in a particular matter or at all, we will comply with your request. However, we may still use your information if—
12.1. We subsequently notify you of the intended use of your information and you consent to that use; or
12.2. We believe that the use of your information is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of its functions; or
12.3. We are required by law to do so.

13. If you request us not to use personal information in a particular matter or at all, and that personal information has been disclosed to an overseas recipient (as described at Clause 6), we will take all reasonable steps to comply with your request.

We will keep all of your personal information confidential to the best of our ability while it is in our possession. However, we cannot and do not guarantee the security of your personal information as it is passing over the Internet.

15. You are entitled to have access to any of the personal information that you have previously supplied to us and that is in our possession, and you are entitled to change or delete such information except where we are required by law to retain it.

16. If you want to ask a question or make a comment about our privacy policy, or if you want to inquire about any of your personal information that may be in our possession, or you want to modify or delete any of your personal information that may be in our possession,
please contact us here: http://www.fairvaluesolar.com.au or call 1300 324 776