Fair Value Solar

Welcome to Fair Value Solar

Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

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1300 324 776

STC Incentive

Your new system is also eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). This is effectively a payment made to purchasers of small renewable energy systems for the value of the emissions reduction they create. The quoted price of the system from your installer will have the STC discount included in the final price.

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs)

The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program helps Victorians reduce their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions by providing access to discounted energy efficient product and services. Large energy retailers are required to acquire and surrender Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) to meet annual target set in Victorian legislation.

‘Accredited persons’ that carry out upgrade activities by installing energy-efficient products in residential or non-residential premises can create VEECs. The greenhouse gas savings associated with the installation of an energy efficient product and/or decommissioning of an inefficient product determines the number of VEECs that can be created. The level of incentive or discount received by households and businesses varies depending on the market activity and certificate price.

Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)

Any excess electricity generated at home or business throughout the day can be sold to the grid through your electricity retailer for a feed-in tariff, which is a fixed rate paid to households or business per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity exported to the grid. Feed-in tariffs vary across states and territories, between retailers, and in some states, even across distribution networks.

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About Solar Rebates

Victorian business owners are eligible to receive the rebate if they meet the following criteria:

Eligibility Criteria

Victorian business owners are eligible to receive the rebate if they meet the following criteria:

Interest Free Loan

To further reduce the upfront cost of installing Solar, the Solar for Business Program offers the option of an interest free loan:

The benefit of the interest free loan is that you can pay back the loan using the significant savings achieved by reducing power bills.

Fair Value Solar is an authorised solar provider under the Solar for Homes Program. Contact us to learn more about the Solar for Business Program and making the switch to Solar.